First of all we need to install three packages
npm i @react-native-firebase/app
npm i @react-native-firebase/auth
npm i @react-native-google-signin/google-signin
After installation i will share the final code for google login
import { GoogleSignin } from "@react-native-google-signin/google-signin";
import React, { useContext, useEffect, useState } from "react";
import {
} from "react-native";
export default function SocialLogin() {
useEffect(() => {
// offlineAccess: false,
}, []);
const checkIfSignedIn = async () => {
const isSignedIn = await GoogleSignin.isSignedIn();
if (isSignedIn) {
// If the user is already signed in, you can retrieve their user information.
const user = await GoogleSignin.getCurrentUser();
// console.log(user,'user');
if (isSignedIn) await GoogleSignin.signOut();
const signInViaGoogle = async () => {
try {
await GoogleSignin.hasPlayServices({
showPlayServicesUpdateDialog: true,
const userinfo = await GoogleSignin.signIn();
console.log(userinfo, "userinfo");
} catch (error: any) {
return (
Login using Google
This code is a React Native component named SocialLogin, which provides functionality for users to log in using Google in a mobile app. Let's break down the code and explain each part:
Imports: The component imports necessary modules from React, React Native, and the @react-native-google-signin/google-signin library. These modules include GoogleSignin, useEffect, useState, Pressable, View, Text, and ActivityIndicator.
Functional Component Definition: The SocialLogin component is defined as a functional component using the export default syntax. It doesn't receive any props from its parent components.
useEffect Hook: The useEffect hook is utilized to execute the checkIfSignedIn function and configure Google Sign-In using GoogleSignin.configure(). The useEffect hook is called only once, as its dependency array is empty ([]), indicating that it runs on component mount.
checkIfSignedIn Function: This asynchronous function checks if the user is already signed in using Google. It calls GoogleSignin.isSignedIn() to check the sign-in status. If the user is signed in, it retrieves the current user's information using GoogleSignin.getCurrentUser() and then signs out the user using GoogleSignin.signOut().
signInViaGoogle Function: This asynchronous function handles the Google Sign-In process. It first checks if the device has Google Play services available using
GoogleSignin.hasPlayServices(). If available, it calls GoogleSignin.signIn() to initiate the Google Sign-In process. If successful, it logs the user information to the console.
Return Statement: The return statement contains JSX code that renders a Pressable component. This component serves as a button for initiating the Google Sign-In process when pressed. It displays the text "Login using Google" in the center of the button.
Styling: Inline styles are applied to the Text component to specify the text color, size, font, and alignment.
Overall, this code sets up a React Native component that allows users to log in using Google. It initializes Google Sign-In, checks the sign-in status, and provides a button for users to initiate the sign-in process.